Connecticut Service of Process Rules


State Serve Rules
State Serve Rules

Additional Rules

Additional rules - TM
Sheriff is the standard. Indifferent person can be appointed if there are multiple defendants in different counties, or if Plaintiff is worried incurring debt unless immediate service


Refusal service
No, leaving papers is considered personal service


Mail for corporate substitute service
Not Required
Mail for substitue service
Not Required

Minors, Incapacitated, and Jail

Incapacitated individuals + care/custody
Serve care/custody only
Jail Care Custody Service
Facility-specific policy
Jail Personal Service
Can subserve at their "usual abode."
Service to a minor
Parent/guardian only

Proof Specialists

Mirrors Fed Rules
Not required for service

Substitute Service Rules - Business / Entity

Corporate subservice at a residence
Not Permissible
Government substitute service
No, must serve head of agency
Service of Corporate Person in charge
Yes, may serve person in charge or any employee
Workplace substitute service
Permissible (employer with fifteen or more employees doing business in this state shall designate an official to accept service of process for employees who are parties to such actions)

Substitute Service Rules - Individuals

Due diligence prior to substitute service
Not Required
Minimum age for substitute service
Residential substitute service
Spousal Service
Not Permissible
Subpoena Personal Service Only?
Substitute serve by posting (Nail & Mail)
Not permissible, must serve documents

When and where can you serve?

Endorcing the Summons prior to serving
Not required
Serve at a nursing home
Client policy
Sunday Service

Eviction Summons Rules
Eviction Summons Rules

Additional Rules - Eviction Summons

Additional rules - TM
Sheriff only


Certified Mail
Mail always?
Mail if posted
Mail if subserve
Mail SLA

Posting Rules

Due Diligence Prior to Posting

Eviction Posting Rules
Eviction Posting Rules


Notary for Notice
Not required


Certified Mail
Mail always?
Mail SLA

Proof Specialists

Server/Marshal Required?
**Persons to whom process shall be directed.** (a) All process shall be directed to a state marshal, a constable or other proper officer authorized by statute, or, subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of his section, to an indifferent person...Comment: *An “indifferent person” must not be a party to the case and be of full age. Also, the previous reference to sheriff and deputy sheriff in this subsection was replaced with “state marshal” effective December 1, 2000.]* Process shall not be directed to an indifferent person unless more defendants than one are named in the process and are described to reside in different counties in the state, or unless, in case of a writ of attachment, the plaintiff or … his … agent or attorney, makes oath … that the affiant truly believes the plaintiff is in danger of losing his debt or demand unless an indifferent person is deputed for the immediate service of the writ or other process… Any process directed to an **indifferent person** by reason of such an affidavit shall be abatable on proof that the party making the affidavit did not have reasonable grounds, at the time of making it, for believing the statements in the affidavit to be true.
**Service of Summons.** The service of a writ of summons shall be made by…leaving an attested copy thereof with him or at his usual place of abode. When service is made by leaving an attested copy at the defendant’s usual place of abode, the officer making service shall note in his return the address at which such attested copy was left.
**Personal Service, Individuals.** Except as otherwise provided, process in any civil action shall be served by leaving a true and attested copy of it, including the declaration or complaint, with the defendant, or at his usual place of abode, in this state.
**Corporations.** In actions against a private corporation, service of process shall be made either upon the president, vice president, asst. vice pres., the secretary, asst. secretary, the treasurer, asst. treasurer, the cashier, asst. cashier, the teller, asst. teller or its general or managing agent or manager or upon any director resident in this state, or the person in charge of the business of the corporation or upon any person who is at the time of service in charge of the office of the corporation in the town in which its principal office or place of business is located…In actions against a partnership, service of process may be made by personally serving any process within the state upon any one of the partners or, if none of the partners are residents of the state, service may be made upon the Secretary of the State; provided, prior to the return date, the officer serving the writ shall mail a copy of the writ and the complaint by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last-known address of every partner named in the writ not personally served. A statement of such mailing and receipt therefor shall be included.
**Subpoenas for witnesses....**(a) Subpoenas for witnesses shall be signed by the clerk of the court or a commissioner of the Superior Court and shall be served by an officer [or an] **indifferent person...** The subpoena shall be served not less than 18 hours prior to the time designated for the summoned person to appear, unless the court orders otherwise.
**Return of Service.** Process in civil actions returnable to the Supreme Court shall be returned to its clerk at least 20 days before the return day and, if returnable to the Superior Court, except process in summary process actions and petitions for paternity and support, to the clerk of such court at least 6 days before the return day.

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