**By Whom Served.** Unless the plaintiff has elected service by certified mail, the summons shall be served by the sheriff of the county where service is made, by a person otherwise authorized by law, or by a person, corporation, partnership, or limited liability company not a party to the action specially appointed by the court for that purpose.
**Methods.** (1) Unless otherwise limited by statute or by the court, a plaintiff may elect to have service made by any of the following methods: (a) Personal service…, (b) Residence service … by leaving summons at the usual place of residence of the individual to be served, with some person of suitable age and discretion residing therein.
**Personal Service, Individual.** (1) An individual party, other than a person under 14 years of age, may be served by personal, residence, or certified mail service.
**Special Rules.** Special rules are prescribed for the following circumstances and the Server should consult with their Territory Manager for more details: 1) A person under the age of 14 years… (2) If the person to be served is incapacitated…
**Corporations.** A corporation may be served by personal, residence, or certified mail service upon any officer, director, managing agent, or registered agent, or by leaving the process at the corporation’s registered office with a person employed therein, or by certified mail service to the corporation’s registered office.
**Return of Service.** Within 20 days after the date of issue, the person serving the summons, other than by certified mail, shall make proof of service to the court stating the time, place, including the address if applicable, name of the person with whom the process was left, and method of service, or return the unserved summons to the court with a statement of the reason for the failure to serve.