**Notary:** Required
**Civil Subpoenas must be personally served.**
**Can serve on Sundays**
+ Personal
+ Refusal by leaving at the place where defendant has been found after attempting to deliver personally and defendant refuses to accept
+ Registered agent, officer, a managing or a general agent
+ If none of these people are available at the place of business during business hours, can deliver to the person in charge
+ If Registered agent is not available as named in New Mexico Secretary of State’s office can serve New Mexico Secretary of State. https://www.sos.state.nm.us/commercial-services/service-of-process/#
+ Refusal service to any of the above is acceptable for business entities
+ City: to mayor, city manager, clerk, or deputy clerk
+ County: county clerk, chief deputy, or county commissioner
+ School District: Superintendent
+ State Department or Agency: principal officer, chief clerk, or other executive employee thereof, and by delivering a copy to the attorney general
**Substituted Service:** requires documentation of attempts at personal service. Serve to co-resident over the age of fifteen with follow-up mailing to the defendant at last known address.
**Workplace Substituted:** Requires attempts at personal and substituted service. Serve to person apparently in charge of actual workplace of defendant with follow up mailing to defendant’s last known address and to defendant’s actual place of business.