**Who May Serve.** Service herein shall be made by any person not less than 18 years of age who is not a party and who has been designated by order of the court. On request, the clerk shall deliver the summons to the plaintiff for transmission to the person who will make the service.
**Personal Service, Individuals.** When the plaintiff files a written request with the clerk for personal service, service shall be made by that method. …The clerk of the court shall be delivered by the clerk to any person not less than 18 years of age, who is not a party and who has been designated by order of the court to make service of process…Service of process… shall be made as follows: (1) Upon an individual [16 years or older] by serving the individual.
**Residence Service.** When the plaintiff files a written request with the clerk for residence service, service shall be made by that method. Residence service shall be effected by leaving a copy … at the usual place of residence of the person to be served with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein.
**Corporations.** …by serving the agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process; … or by serving an officer or a managing or general agent of the corporation.
**Return of Service.** When the … process has been served, the person serving process shall endorse that fact on the process and return it to the clerk who shall make the appropriate entry on the appearance docket. When … process is unable [to be served] within 28 days, [the process server] shall endorse that fact and the reason therefor on the process and return … to the clerk who shall make the appropriate entry on the appearance docket…
**Subpoena.** A subpoena may be served by a sheriff, bailiff, coroner, clerk of court, constable, or a deputy of any, by an attorney at law, or by any other person designated by order of court who is not a party and is not less than 18 years of age. Service .. upon a person named therein shall be made by delivering a copy to the person, by reading it to him or her in person, or by leaving it at the person’s usual place of residence, and by tendering to the person upon demand the fees for one day’s attendance and the mileage allowed by law. … If the witness being subpoenaed resides outside the county in which the court is located, the fees for one day’s attendance and mileage shall be tendered without demand. The return [which must be returned to the clerk] may be forwarded through through the postal service or otherwise.