**By Whom Served.** Cause the summons and complaint … to be transferred for service to any person authorized…to deliver them, who shall serve [the documents], and his return endorsed thereon shall be proof of the time and manner of service.
**Personal Service, Individuals.** Service shall be made upon an individual within this Commonwealth … by delivering a copy of the summons and complaint to him person-ally…or…to an agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process for such individual.
**Corporations.** Service shall be made upon a corporation by serving an officer or managing agent thereof .. or any other agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service on its behalf.
**Case Note.** A company is not required by law to admit into its plant or shop a constable, deputy sheriff or any official qualified under the law to serve civil process for the purpose of serving civil process on an employee, and furthermore, if such official stays after a request to leave, he or she could be trespassing, nor does it make a difference if the summons is in connection with a civil or divorce action. Opinion of the Attorney General 79-123.
**Subpoena.** A subpoena may be served by any person over 18 years of age, and the affidavit endorsed thereon by such person shall be proof of service… Service of the subpoena shall be made by delivering a copy thereof to the person to whom it is directed.
**Return of Service.** Proof of service shall be made … by affidavit of the person making such service, upon or appended to the summons, stating the time and place of service and the fact that the individual served was personally known to him. Such service without an appearance shall not authorize a personal judgment…