**By Whom Served.** The summons may be served by any person not a party to the action who at the time of making such service is an elector of the county ... in which such service is made. The service shall be made and the summons returned with proof of the service, with all reasonable diligence, to the plaintiff’s attorney...
**Personal Service, Individuals.** By delivering to the defendant personally.
**Substituted.** … Service in the following manner shall also constitute personal service. If the defendant cannot be found conveniently, service may be made by leaving a copy at his dwelling house in the presence of a member of his family over the age of 14 years or if the defendant resides in the family of another, with a member of such age of the family with which he resides.
**Corporations.** If the action be against a … corporation, on the president or other head of the corporation, secretary, cashier, treasurer, a director, or managing or registered agent thereof, and such service may be made within or without this state…If the defendant is a private corporation and no general officer, director, managing agent, or other representative mentioned in § 15-6-4(d) as qualified to receive service can conveniently be found, service may be made on such corporation by leaving a copy at the place of business of such qualified person with any officer or employee over 14 years of age.
**Return of Service.** Proof of the service of the summons and complaint or of any pleading, process, or other paper must state the time, place, and manner of such service or of publication and mailing and must be made as follows: (1) If by any person other than a sheriff, his affidavit thereof; (2) The written admission of the party or his representative upon whom service might have been made for such party;
**Sunday.** Service of process is prohibited on Sundays pursuant to South Dakota Codified Laws §1-5-2.