**By Whom Served.** Service of summons and process shall be by any person over 18 years of age who is competent to be a witness in the action, other than a party. Subpoenas may be served as provided in Rule 45.
**Personal Service, Individuals.** Service made in the modes provided in this section shall be held to be personal service. The summons shall be served by delivering a copy, as follows:
...to the defendant personally.
**Substituted.** By leaving a copy of the summons at the house of his or her usual abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then resident therein. By leaving a copy at his or her usual mailing address with a person of suitable age and discretion who is a resident, proprietor, or agent thereof, and by thereafter mailing a copy by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the person to be served at his or her usual mailing address. For the purposes of this subsection, “usual mailing address” shall not include a United States postal service post office box or the person’s place of employment.
**Corporations.** If the suit be against a company or corporation other than those designated in the preceding subdivisions of this section, to the president or other head of the company…, the registered agent, secretary, cashier or managing agent, or to the secretary, stenographer or office assistant of the president or other head of the company. (15)
**Subpoena.** A subpoena may be served by any suitable person over 18 years of age, by exhibiting and reading it to the witness, or by giving him a copy, or by leaving such copy at the place of his abode. When service is made by any other person than an officer authorized to serve process, proof of service shall be made by affidavit.
**Return of Service.** Proof of service shall be as follows: If served by any other person, his affidavit of served endorsed upon or attached to the summons; or in case of personal service out of state, the affidavit of the person making the service, sworn to before a notary public, with a seal attached, or before a clerk of a court of record.