Florida Service of Process Rules


State Serve Rules
State Serve Rules

Additional Rules

Additional rules - Servers
- Corporate service: Must serve Officer or try R/A between 10-noon (weekdays); then employee of R/A on first serve (if R/A is absent from office) - LLC: Must serve R/A or employee of R/A on first serve (if R/A is absent from office). If not found, then Member/Manager or designated employee; then person in charge during reg bus hours. - Private Mailbox: substitute service may be made at private mailbox - Partnership: Must serve Partner or designated employee on first attempt; then person in charge during reg bus hours


Not Required
Refusal service
No, leaving papers is considered personal service


Mail for corporate substitute service
Not Required
Mail for substitue service
Not Required

Minors, Incapacitated, and Jail

Incapacitated individuals + care/custody
Care/Custody. Must serve 2 copies
Jail Care Custody Service
Facility-specific policy
Jail Personal Service
Yes, state requires service directly on the incarcerated person
Service to a minor

Proof Specialists

Mirrors Fed Rules
The sheriff of each county may, in his or her discretion, establish an approved list of natural persons designated as special process servers

Substitute Service Rules - Business / Entity

Corporate subservice at a residence
Not Permissible
Government substitute service
No, must serve head of agency
Service of Corporate Person in charge
see special
Workplace substitute service
Permissible (an employer, when contacted by an individual authorized to serve process, shall allow the authorized individual to serve an employee in a private area designated by the employer)

Substitute Service Rules - Individuals

Due diligence prior to substitute service
Not Required
Minimum age for substitute service
Residential substitute service
Spousal Service
Subpoena Personal Service Only?
Subservice to co-resident 15+
Substitute serve by posting (Nail & Mail)
Not permissible, must serve documents

When and where can you serve?

Endorcing the Summons prior to serving
Required, server must endorse details on the doc served, and the copy attached to the affidavit
Serve at a nursing home
Client policy
Sunday Service
Not Permissible

Eviction Summons Rules
Eviction Summons Rules

Additional Rules - Eviction Summons

Additional rules - Servers
For eviction Summonses on Serves you may post after 2 attempts 6 hours apart


Certified Mail
Mail always?
Mail if posted
Not Required
Mail if subserve
Mail SLA

Posting Rules

Due Diligence Prior to Posting
Not Permissible

Eviction Posting Rules
Eviction Posting Rules

Additional Rules

Additional rules - TM
May mail in lieu of service/posting; however, for our purposes, we are not doing stand-alone mailing. If uploaded as a post, must be served/posted


Notary for Notice
Not required


Certified Mail
Mail always?
Mail SLA

Proof Specialists

Server/Marshal Required?
No license required
**Notary:** Not Required
**Cannot serve on Sundays**
**Affidavit needs to state when server received documents from Proof and that server placed initials, identification number and date and hour of service on served documents.**
**INDIVIDUAL** + Personal + Substituted + Dwelling/house/Usual place of abode - competent member of the household, 15+ - be informed of the contents thereof + Usual place of business - Employer must allow service on a defendant or witness in a private area at workplace + Spousal - May serve the spouse of defendant or witness if they agree to meet - Does not include divorce proceedings + D/B/A (sole proprietorship) (ONLY IF TWO ATTEMPTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO PERSONALLY SERVE) - Serve person in charge at place of business during regular business hours + If the only address for the defendant or witness is a private mailbox, a virtual office, an executive office or mini suite - Serve person in charge of mailbox/virtual office etc. at location
**PARTNERSHIPS AND LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS** + any partner or designated employee by partner during business hours + Substituted after 1 attempt is allowed - person in charge during business hours
**LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC)** + Registered Agent or any employee of registered agent + If Registered Agent not available, service any member/manager + If Registered Agent, member or manager not available, sub service on any person in charge + Sub serve on Secretary of State if all else fails
**CORPORATION** + President, Vice President, CEO, or other head of the corporation - In their absence - cashier, treasurer, secretary, or general manager + In their absence - any director - In their absence - any officer or business agent residing in the state. + Address is a private mailbox/virtual office - person in charge, but they must also maintain a mailbox/virtual office etc. at location
**FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS** + Registered Agent - Sub on any officer, director, or business agent at any place of business.
**PUBLIC ENTITY (STATE, COUNTY, CITY, ETC.)** + president, mayor, chair, or other head thereof - In their absence - vice president, vice mayor, or vice chair + In their absence - member of the governing board, council, or commission + State of Florida - state attorney or an assistant state attorney
**NONRESIDENT MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR** + Secretary of State is agent
**MINOR** + Parent, guardian or conservator
**INCOMPETENT PERSON** + Parent, guardian or conservator - Must serve 2 copies
**POSTING (EVICTIONS)** + Must make 2 separate attempts at least 6 hours apart + No one under 15 can be living in the residence

Serve smarter with Proof

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  • Verified Live Updates
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