**In all cases, please obtain:**
- The full name of the person served.
- Pictures of your attempt
- Any license plates or vehicles
**Notary:** Required if served in IL and not licensed.
**Civil Subpoenas:** Personal service only and will be accompanied by a Witness Fee Check unless notified otherwise. Federal subpoenas do not need to be issued witness fees.
**INDIVIDUAL Service:** Please attempt to serve the listed servee. If you are attempting INDIVIDUAL Service at a business location, you cannot subserve a clerk/intake specialist. You can only subserve Individuals to co-residents of the household.
**Substitute Service:** After confirming residence, you can subserve a competent member of the household that is 13 years or older, then mail (first class) an additional copy to the served address. Be sure to provide your Territory Manager with the date of mailing, and any expenses for postage/mailing as postage is fully prepaid.
**PRIVATE CORPORATION:** President, CEO, Registered Agent, Officer, Intake Specialist, or clerk may accept service. Please obtain the title of the person served. If the Registered Agent is a company (CSC, CT, Corporate Creations, etc.) they will have an Intake Specialist or Clerk accept service.
**MINOR OR INCOMPETENT PERSON + Parent, guardian, or conservator ** - If no such person can be found, any person having the care or control of such minor at their house or work.
**POSTING (EVICTIONS)** - Post on the front door and take a picture. Then mail a copy via First Class Mail. Be sure to provide your Territory Manager with the date of mailing, and any expenses for postage/mailing as postage is fully prepaid.