**Who May Serve.** Process in civil actions may be served by any legally competent adult who is not a party or an officer of a corporate party.
**Personal Service, Individuals.** Process may be served on a resident or nonresident individual by, (1) delivering a summons and a copy of the complaint to the defendant personally.
**Corporations.** (1) by serving a summons and … complaint on an officer or the resident agent; (2) by serving … on a director, trustee, or person in charge of an office or business establishment of the corporation and sending a summons and a copy of the complaint by registered mail, addressed to the principal office of the corporation; (3) by serving … on the last presiding officer, president, cashier, secretary, or treasurer of a corporation that has ceased to do business by failing to keep up its organization by the appointment of officers … or whose term of existence has expired;
**Return of Service.** An affidavit stating the facts of service, including the manner, time, date, and place of service, and indicating the process server’s official capacity, if any.
**In all cases, please obtain:**
- The full name of the servee. If no name is given, you can use John/Jane Doe
- Pictures of your attempt, a picture of the house/building served would be best. Try not to take pictures of people without their permission.
- Any license plates and/or vehicles
**Personal Service, Individuals:** If the defendant/servee is available, serve the documents to them personally.
**Corporations:** Attempt to serve the Registered Agent named. If the Registered Agent is a company (CSC, CT, Corporate Creations, etc.) they will have an Intake Specialist or Clerk accept service. You can also subserve a director, president, employee or servant of the defendant. Please obtain the title of the person served.
**Posting:** Please post the documents to the front door of the premises. If it is an apartment, we can only post on the unit door.
**Process:** After successful service, please include any physical descriptions of the defendant as well as a description of how the attempt occurred. Making sure to point out any suspicious behavior.
**Unsuccessful service:** If the service is unsuccessful, please determine if the address is bad by trying to locate any identifying information. (packages addressed to the servee, neighbors that could know who resides there) Please clarify in the description why you think so.